ALTAR SERVERS: The servers assist the priests and deacons during Mass by presenting or arranging vessels and other items used in the liturgical celebrations. Other than Sunday Masses, they are called upon to assist at other special Masses, including funerals and weddings. Children and teens interested in serving on the altar should be at least ten years old. All servers are required to commit to their assigned schedules and special assignments.
ALTAR SOCIETY MEMBERS AND CHURCH DECORATOR: The Altar Society comprises of a group of volunteers who are responsible for the housekeeping duties of the church, washing of all vestments, altar linens and sacred vessels used in the Church for the celebration of Masses. The Decorator is responsible for floral displays and decoration arrangements throughout the church year, especially for special feast days and festival occasions.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: They are Ministers who, at the request of the Pastor, assist the celebrant and other “Ordinary Ministers” to distribute The Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation during Mass. Appointments to this ministry can only be made by the Pastor and are commissioned by the Pastor or his delegate.
HOLY COMMUNION: Communion can be brought to those members of the parish who are ill, and/or for any other reason are unable to leave their homes to attend Sunday Mass. If someone in your home requires this special service, please contact the office.
LECTORS: The Lectors serve the liturgical assembly by proclaiming Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The competent exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it more readily. Lectors are
needed for all Sunday celebrations. If this is a ministry that you might be interested in, if you have a good reading voice and are not afraid to face large crowds, we would like to hear from you.
MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY (USHERS, GREETERS AND PARKING CONTROL): As ministers of hospitality, their role is an important one. They serve the Liturgy by helping to establish a climate of welcome, helpfulness and order among those gathered. To make them feel at home in one’s Church is as important as feeling at home in one’s own house. We hope the people who pass through the portals of St. Barnabas will indeed feel welcome.
MUSIC MINISTRY (THE CHOIRS): The Choir’s role has great importance in the Parish’s Liturgy. Members of the choir share in the proper performance of the music sung, and encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing. We have five distinctive music groups who help enhance our weekend Mass celebrations. We are always looking for talented and enthusiastic individuals who are willing to participate.